The Current
The Current is the independent student newspaper of Marine Science Magnet High School, serving the MSMHS community since 2023. We seek to produce a broad report that delivers both a picture of day-to-day student life and deeply reported journalistic work.
We document student events, achievements, and perspectives through our broad arts, opinion, and cultural coverage. Through this, we serve as a community bulletin for MSMHS that serves to bring students together in a shared cultural experience.
We also deliver in-depth live reporting and investigative journalism that shapes student conversations by providing accurate, fact-based information. We aim to hold power to account and ensure access to information. The Current is often the first to break news around important topics, and our coverage of administrative policy keeps students informed about how the school is changing. As the sole news outlet of MSMHS, we take our role seriously, and our work adheres to the highest journalistic standards around sourcing, impartiality, and more.
By showcasing the positive student experiences at MSMHS, and refusing to shy away from pressing issues, The Current serves - and will serve - as a paper of record for the MSMHS community for today and years to come.